Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer's Rain

I recently sent this out to my friends, and I find it very entertaining. If you hope to find out a little more about me, this letter may assist you in your search. I like enthralling and quaint objects, such as bubbles, wooden figurines, and handmade whimsies, so this article probably proves it. The text does not expose or exhibit my friends in a negative nor positive direction, so no offense should be mentioned, unless you are finicky and opinionated. 


My dear fellow acquaintance,

It may have come to your mind that summer is coming on the final steps of its gallant march. Soon, it will intrepidly slip away and hibernate until Spring gathers her skirts for time immemorial, a parallel universe where all that is unseen recluse until unveiling calls their name.

From my point of view, it is a little late for a mid-Summer's greeting, for as you may have noticed, July is closing its curtains in just a week. But it is never too late to say 'hello', nor for a "time to talk".

Of course, this message was not meant to be literal in any aspect, as it is just another one of my useless, but nevertheless quaint, novelties. However, my heart does speak truly when it echoed my salutations. "Summer's Rain" is an analogy toward dark and light, or perhaps opposites in general. And, in placing this metaphor, I am honoring the fading summer and welcoming the russet autumn. 

Memories will unite with master as school stealthily creeps into our lives once more. It will be hard to let go of carefree schedules and well-fought freedom as crotchety tutors instruct us into inflexible positions. But I feel summer will never end, as does any other season. They will only come again as reminiscences, rejoicing with us for staggered visits until there time to reign arises.

I hope that you have had a productive summer, as time should always be consumed wisely. It has been a pleasure coming to ridiculous surmises with you over what we call the Internet. May the Force be with you.

Your humble friend,

P.S. Of course you understand that this was not meant as a parting letter. I honestly believe that I wrote this for the sake of boredom.

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